
I graduated from the University of Houston with a B.Sc. in Physics in 2018 and completed my Masters Degree in Physics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in 2022. My initial field of research was high energy particle physics and I wrote my Bachelors thesis on the topic of Hadronic Matter and Quark-Gluon Plasma. My focus switched over the course of my Masters and my Masters thesis involved simulating X-ray reflection from black holes. I now work as an IT Technical Specialist at IBM.

Jacob Rose


  • B.Sc. of Physics

    University of Houston

    Sep 2015 - May 2018

    Houston, USA

  • M.Sc. of Physics

    Friedrich-Alexander University

    Oct 2018 - Feb 2022

    Erlangen, Germany

Job History

  • IT Assitant

    Friedrich-Alexander University

    Dec 2018 - Feb 2022

    Erlangen, Germany

  • Software Developer

    Insevis GmbH

    Mar 2022 - May 2022

    Erlangen, Germany

  • IT Technical Specialist

    IBM Deutschland GmbH

    Jul 2022 - Present

    Erlangen, Germany

My top tracks

I love listening to music and also making it myself. Here you can see my top songs to get an idea of my music taste. You can click each track to find their corresponding page on Spotify